Baby Stroller Guide

By Dawid M. 20 Nov, 2017
If you are a parent or a guardian to a small baby out there, or you intend to be a parent soon, and you love travelling, than probably a baby stroller or pushchair should be an essential tool. They provide you with the comfort and convenience of moving around with your kid. Even though they usually come with amazing functionalities and features, there are also some extra stroller accessories that you need to watch out. These accessories are meant to further the comfort of your small baby and improve your convenience of walking around. In this piece, I am going to share with you some of those critical accessories that you need to watch out for when acquiring a baby stroller.
By Dawid M. 19 Nov, 2017

First time parents usually anxiously await the time when they can experience the 3 month old baby developmental milestones. At the three-month mark, most babies start to develop their own personalities and build relationships with parents and other loved ones around them. As a parent, it’s important to know what developmental milestones you ought to be looking out for to ensure your baby is developing healthily and in good time.

Throughout the first month of life, your baby should be able to slightly lift its head, respond to sound, make sounds and smile. During month two, the vocal sounds will turn to gurgles and coos, and the little one will start to notice its own hands. Most babies in their first two months will develop accordingly, which is a sure sign to the parents that all is going well with development.

The 3 month old baby development stage, however, is what really excites parents, as the baby will truly start to communicate with those around. Of most pleasure to parents is that the baby will start to develop the ability to recognize your scent and face. You can readily know if your three-month old recognizes your face because they will usually smile or squeal when they see you.

Babies at this age will also be able to recognize your voice, which most parents find out about unexpectedly! If you find yourself within earshot of your baby, but not in their line of vision, and you start talking, your little one’s ears will perk up and in no time he or she will be squealing and making loud sounds to get your attention! This is a truly thrilling experience for most parents.

A three-month old baby will start gurgling and cooing more often than before, and will also start blowing bubbles. They become aware that they are gaining the attention of those around them, and usually start “showing off” their abilities. At this stage, you may find your baby bringing hands together as if clapping.

As you can see, there’s lots of excitement in store for parents of babies approaching the three-year milestone! These developmental signs are things to look out for, but don’t be worried or disappointed if you don’t see your baby doing some of the things outlined. Remember that every child develops differently, so some of these actions may not come on until another month or two. Just enjoy the experience of seeing your child develop naturally!

By Dawid M. 19 Nov, 2017
There’s just something about traveling that really sets a spark within us. Maybe it’s the thought of embarking on a new journey all together — that feeling when you step foot into a foreign area that’s just waiting for you to discover all that’s within it. Or maybe it’s the anticipation you feel when you’re packing up your suitcase and getting ready to depart. Whatever it is, we may never know what makes traveling so special, but we know that it’s always an experience to remember.
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